These 7 gifs perfectly describe the milspouse relationship with wine.
Wine is your +1 guest anytime you are invited somewhere when your spouse is gone:
When we say we’re just gonna ‘Netflix and chill,’ this is what we actually mean:
Sometimes you just need 1 glass to get you through unit events with complete strangers:
Haha, these gifs perfectly describe the #milspouse relationship with wine! Share on X
You don’t have to be a connoisseur to know what you like.
It may be the only interest you share with your neighbors:
Wine is the consolation prize after dealing with baby vomit, broken appliances, car trouble, computer problems, and legal paperwork all on your own:
Military life is challenging. We all do what it takes to get through it. Sometimes that is with help from friends. And sometimes it is with help from wine. So I’ll raise my next glass to you, military spouse!